



1.1 提示词:

Generate a semantic and accessible HTML and (framework) CSS [UI component] consisting of [component parts]. The [component parts] should be [layout].


Generate a semantic HTML and Tailwind CSS Contact Support form consisting of the users name, email, issue type, and message. The form elements should be stacked vertically and placed inside a card.

生成结果:下面是一个使用语义化HTML和Tailwind CSS构建的“联系支持”表单,包含用户的姓名、电子邮件、问题类型和留言。表单元素垂直堆叠,放置在一个卡片中。

<form class="card">



<label for="name">名字:</label>

<input type="text" id="name" required />



<label for="email">邮箱:</label>

<input type="email" id="email" required />


<!-- 其他字段 -->


1.2 提示词:

Write a JavaScript function. It accepts [input] and returns [output].


Write a JavaScript function that accepts an array of numbers as input and returns the sum of all even numbers in the array.


function getSumOfEvenNumbers(arr) {

let sum = ; // 初始化和为0

for (let i = ; i < arr.length; i++) {

if (arr[i] % === ) { // 如果当前数字是偶数,则加到总和上

sum += arr[i]; } }

return sum;



1.3 提示词:

Write an/ an API using to fetch data from.


Write an Express.js API to fetch user data from MongoDB.

Generated result:

Here is an example Express.js API using MongoDB to fetch user data:

const express = require('express');

const mongoose = require('mongoose');

const bodyParser = require('body-parser');

app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));


// Connect to MongoDB database



{ useNewUrlParser: true },


// Create User model schema

const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({

name: String,

email: String,

password: String,


const User = mongoose.model(User, userSchema);

// Define route handlers

app.get('/api/users', async (req, res) => {

try {

const usersData = await User.find();


} catch (error) {





// Start server on port :3000

server.listen(portNumber || portName)

.on('listening', () => console.log(Server running on port ${port}))

.on('error', error => console.error(Error starting server, error));

This code defines two routes for fetching all users' information or specific users by their IDs.

/api/users: Fetches all users' information.

/api/user/:id: Fetches specific user's information based on their ID.

The getUsers route uses User.find() method with callback function which calls res.json() when it retrieves all records successfully.

The second route checks if the specified ID exists before calling res.json().