



交流電機中的三相對稱靜止繞組A、B、C,如果通過平衡三相正弦電流,就會產生一個叫做合成磁動勢F 的旋轉磁動勢,這個動勢在空間呈現為正弦分布,以同步轉速ws(即為時間上互差90°)順著A-B-C這一序列進行運動。此種物理模型如圖所示。


當然,在图1与2中两个rotating magnetic field大小和speed都相同时,即认为图2中的two-phase winding与图1中的three-phase winding等价。当包含两个winding in one core of the motor with a synchronous speed, then the magnetic field will also rotate accordingly. This is what we call a rotating magnetic field.

By using this rotating magnetic field, we can create an equivalent model for three-phase induction motors that can be analyzed and controlled like a DC motor. This equivalence allows us to simplify the analysis and control of induction motors, making them easier to understand and work with.

The D-Q coordinate transformation is widely used in electrical engineering for various applications including:

Electric machine control

Electric machine transient analysis

Fault diagnosis

In addition to its use in electric machines, D-Q coordinate transformation has been applied in power system fault analysis and power grid energy quality detection and control as well.

To apply D-Q transformation in electric machine testing, it is essential to accurately determine the rotor position and measure the three phase currents accurately using high-speed FPGA parallel processing algorithms along with Clark's transform which converts relative stationary two-phase coordinates into relative stationary two-axis coordinates by obtaining corresponding outputs Iαand Iβ through Park's transform which converts relative stationary two-axis coordinates into relative rotor-stationary two-axis coordinates thus calculating IDand IQ.

The process of controlling electric machines involves reversing this process: first setting up excitation current and torque current; then transforming these values back into relative rotor-stationary two-axis; finally transforming these values back into relative stationery three-phases; thus implementing control over electric machines.

Currently ZLG Zhongliang Electronic Co., Ltd plans to implement this D-Q transformation function on their power analyzer instrument which can provide reference for developing designs for motor controls as well as troubleshooting issues related to algorithm optimization etc.. More information on our upcoming developments please stay tuned at our Motor Channel!