1.1 提示词:Generate a semantic and accessible HTML and (framework) CSS [UI component] consisting of [component parts]. The [component parts] should be [layout].
举例:Generate a semantic HTML and Tailwind CSS Contact Support form consisting of the users name, email, issue type, and message. The form elements should be stacked vertically and placed inside a card.
2.2 提示词:Write a JavaScript function. It accepts [input] and returns [output].
举例:Write a JavaScript function that accepts an array of numbers as input and returns the sum of all odd numbers in the array.
3.3 提示词:Write an API for fetching data from/to your database.
举例:Create an Express.js API to fetch user information based on their ID from MongoDB.
4.4 提示词:
The database has tables: users, orders, products.
Write SQL query to fetch total sales by product category for last month.
This query should include only active products with at least one order in the last 30 days.
OrderBy results by total sales in descending order.
5.5 提及其他应用场景或工具,如图形处理、自然语言处理等。