
1、油料的性能及使用 农业机械在作业中,油料费用占整个成本的三分之一。同时,油料的正确使用,可以延长机器的使用寿命,降低修理成本,对提高生产效率具有重要意义。 石油主要是由炭氢组成的化合物。各石油产品是根据其组成的各种化合物沸点不相同提炼的。通过蒸馏方法,按照不同温度范围,可提炼出汽油、柴油和润滑油等产品。

2、农业机械中常用的几种 oil(1)Gasoline 使用时必须要了解它的一些性能指标,如辛烷值、馏程和饱和蒸气压等。这三个指标对于确保燃烧顺畅至关重要。一高质量的汽油应具备较高辛烷值,以便于更好地抗爆,并减少颗粒物排放。此外,它们还应该有适中的馏程,以保证燃烧过程中的均匀性,同时也能减少废气排放;而饱和蒸气压则需要控制在一定范围内以避免过度沸腾导致喷射系统问题。

(2)Diesel Diesel 是农用动力机械运转所需的大量能源,其选择与特定条件紧密相关。在选择 Diesel 时,我们需要考虑几个关键因素:粘度、凝点、高温稳定性以及十六烷值等。当我们谈论 Diesel 的性能时,我们通常会首先讨论它们在低温下的流动性,这取决于它们的凝点。如果 Diesel 允许在寒冷天气下流动且不会冻结,那么它就被认为是可靠并适用于广泛应用的情况。而十六烷值则影响着发动机启动时引擎是否容易燃烧,以及是否产生黑烟或增加了污染水平。

(3)Lubricants Lubricants 是一种基础原材料,它们为工业设备提供润滑作用,从而防止摩擦损耗,还可以保护金属表面免受腐蚀。现代 lubricants 还包括清洁剂功能,使得它们能够有效地去除残留物质并保持系统清洁。此外,它们还具有抗氧化能力以防止变质。在设计这些复杂化学品时,我们考虑多个参数,比如粘度——这直接影响到流体如何移动并形成保护层;凝点——这个温度定义了何时液体失去了流动性;浮游性的概念,即预防沉淀形成的问题;最后还有腐蚀指数,这是一个衡量化学反应可能对金属造成破坏程度的一个指标。

3、Selecting the right lubricant for your needs Each type of machinery has its unique requirements, and selecting the appropriate lubricant is crucial for maintaining optimal performance. For instance, engine oils are categorized based on their viscosity at 100°C, with lower numbers indicating thinner consistency. These oils can be used in a variety of applications depending on the materials used in the engine's moving parts. Gear oils, on the other hand, are formulated to withstand high temperatures and heavy loads while still providing smooth operation and preventing wear.

4,Rubbing Grease Grease is a semi-solid substance composed of base oil thickened with additives like thickeners or gelling agents. It provides excellent sealing properties due to its ability to maintain a consistent film thickness even under heavy pressure and temperature fluctuations. The most common types of grease are calcium-based grease (ZG), sodium-based grease (ZN), and calcium-sodium-based grease (ZNS). Each type has its own set of characteristics defined by their needle penetration values; higher values indicate harder greases that require more force to penetrate.

In conclusion, understanding the various aspects of oil products is vital for optimizing agricultural machinery performance and extending equipment lifespan. By carefully selecting fuels such as gasoline or diesel based on factors like octane rating, flash point, cetane number among others we ensure efficient combustion processes which lead to reduced emissions & increased productivity while also choosing suitable lubricants that match specific equipment requirements we protect our machines from wear & tear & corrosion thus ensuring smooth operations throughout years ahead