
西门子Sinamics V20系列变频器:智能远程操控模块的应用与实践

导语:西门子公司推出了Sinamics V20系列变频器,配备了一个新的无线调试和运行选件。这个选件包含了一个名为Sinamics V20 Smart Access的智能连接模块,这是一个小型移动接入设备,可以安装在变频器上,成为一个无线接入点。用户可以通过手机、平板电脑或便携式计算机等移动设备,无需任何额外软件,就能通过加密的Wi-Fi连接访问V20变频器进行调试、参数设置或监控。




该篇文章详细介绍了Sinamics V20系列变频器中Smart Access功能,以及它如何帮助工业用户更轻松地管理和优化其生产过程。这种灵活性和易用性使得这款产品非常适合纺织、包装食品饮料物流暖通空调等多个行业。在未来,不断更新的产品将继续满足不断变化市场需求,为客户带来更多价值。

总结来说,Westinghouse Sinamics V20 series drives are a powerful and versatile solution for industrial automation. With the new Smart Access feature, users can now access and control their drives from anywhere, at any time. This level of flexibility and ease of use makes these drives an ideal choice for a wide range of industries, including textiles, packaging, food and beverage processing, logistics, HVAC systems, and more.

About Westinghouse in China:

Westinghouse Electric Company is one of the world's leading technology companies with a history dating back to 1847. The company operates globally in over 200 countries across various fields such as power generation fuel nuclear waste management medical devices etc.

In China since 1872 Westinghouse has been dedicated to providing comprehensive support for the country's development with innovative technologies superior quality products reliability leadership innovation pursuit making it unique in its industry. In fiscal year (FY) 2015 Westinghouse generated revenues totaling $69.4 billion in China where it employs approximately 32 thousand people.

With its commitment to sustainable development Westinghouse continues to work closely with Chinese partners striving towards shared success that benefits both parties while contributing positively to society as well as economies worldwide

标签: 白家电